Cutting Costs on Printer Supplies in Auto Dealerships

Cutting Costs on Printer Supplies in Auto Dealerships

Auto dealerships grapple with an often overlooked but significant expense—printer supplies. Shockingly, some dealerships spend up to $60,000 annually on toner and ink alone, a substantial figure that can profoundly impact profitability. This hefty expense stems mainly...
3 Ways to Improve Your Car Dealership’s CSI Score

3 Ways to Improve Your Car Dealership’s CSI Score

In an industry with fierce competition, the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) score emerges as a crucial differentiator for auto dealerships. This vital statistic reflects the degree of satisfaction that customers experience, serving not only as a magnet for...
Auto Dealership Blind Spots: Janitorial and Sanitation

Auto Dealership Blind Spots: Janitorial and Sanitation

Auto dealerships contend with many operational expenses, with janitorial and sanitation (Jan/San) services being a significant one. While keeping dealership locations pristine is non-negotiable, the associated costs can be needlessly excessive. Industry research...
Auto Dealership Blind Spots: Inventory Discrepancies

Auto Dealership Blind Spots: Inventory Discrepancies

Inventory discrepancies are a silent cost that burdens the auto retail industry, cutting into approximately 1% of annual revenues. While this figure may seem subtle, its consequences are anything but. Despite the omnipresence of advanced surveillance systems, over 75%...
Auto Dealership Blind Spots: Vendor Fragmentation

Auto Dealership Blind Spots: Vendor Fragmentation

An auto dealership often seems like a convergence point for a variety of vendor relationships. Various data sources, including expert insights from the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA), peg the average number of vendors auto dealerships work with between...
Auto Dealership Blind Spots: Print Toner

Auto Dealership Blind Spots: Print Toner

The realm of automotive dealerships is already rife with expenses. Among these, one often overlooked cost is that of printer supplies. These can significantly dent the budget, particularly when not managed correctly. According to data from Dealix, dealerships can...