Cutting Costs on Printer Supplies in Auto Dealerships

Cutting Costs on Printer Supplies in Auto Dealerships

Auto dealerships grapple with an often overlooked but significant expense—printer supplies. Shockingly, some dealerships spend up to $60,000 annually on toner and ink alone, a substantial figure that can profoundly impact profitability. This hefty expense stems mainly...
The Impact of Price Creep on Auto Dealerships’ Profits

The Impact of Price Creep on Auto Dealerships’ Profits

In automotive retail, a nuanced challenge like price creep can dramatically impact financial stability. Price creep, defined as a subtle yet consistent cost increase, often goes unnoticed amid daily operations yet significantly erodes profit margins. Across various...
The Best Selling Cars in the USA

The Best Selling Cars in the USA

In the past year, the automotive sales data painted a clear picture of America’s preferences, overwhelmingly favoring trucks and SUVs, constituting over 60% of all vehicle sales. While a slight nod was given to the rise of electric vehicles, the true story...
3 Ways to Improve Your Car Dealership’s CSI Score

3 Ways to Improve Your Car Dealership’s CSI Score

In an industry with fierce competition, the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) score emerges as a crucial differentiator for auto dealerships. This vital statistic reflects the degree of satisfaction that customers experience, serving not only as a magnet for...
Rev Up Sales: Digital Marketing Tactics for Dealerships

Rev Up Sales: Digital Marketing Tactics for Dealerships

In the ever-evolving auto industry landscape, digital advancements are swiftly overtaking traditional pathways to car buying. The emergence of the digital shopper marks a paradigm shift, highlighting a preference for online exploration and comparison before setting...