How much time do car buyers spend researching before making a new car purchase?


Did you know that the average car buyer spends around 17 hours researching before making a purchase?


That is a lot of time for you to stand out in helping them on their buyer journey. In fact, there are many dealerships that you are competing with for your customers’ attention during their buyer journey.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself about your auto dealership related to the customer buyer journey.

1- How are you standing out in order to help car buyers determine what vehicle they should purchase and from which dealer?

2- How is your dealership helping customers with their research process?

3- How could your auto dealership make it easier for your customer to conduct their car purchase research?

In today’s digital world, it is important to understand how much time buyers spend researching before making a new vehicle purchase. It is even more important to take an active role to become part of that journey BEFORE they make a decision.