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10 Auto Dealership Blind Spots Causing Profit Leaks

Learn how to outperform the industry average 2.2% profit margin by proactively identifying and rectifying 10 crucial operational blind spots in auto dealership management.

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Top profit leaks for auto dealers

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In the competitive landscape of auto dealership operations, every dollar counts. Balancing a thin margin between operating costs and profits, dealerships need to keep a close eye on their expenditures. However, an alarming trend seems to be undermining dealership profitability – the insidious problem of money wastage.

According to a report from the National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA), the average auto dealership’s net profit margin was just 2.2% in 2019. Despite impressive gross profits, the net result paints a rather grim picture.

Get our 30 years of car business profit solution knowledge to help you stop the profit leaks in your dealership right away.

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